Humus Structure In The Garden: Therefore It Affects The Climate Positively

Humus Structure In The Garden: Therefore It Affects The Climate Positively

Anyone who builds humus in the garden contributes to climate protection. We explain how the humus build-up helps to reduce CO2 and how to promote humus in the garden. Soils are huge stores of carbon. They do this by forming a humus layer that consists largely of carbon compounds. But humus building in gardens and…

11 Alternatives To Peat In The Soil

11 Alternatives To Peat In The Soil

Peat is contained in almost all garden soils. We show which environmentally friendly alternatives are available to replace peat and give tips for peat-free gardening. Peat replacement is an important topic in climate protection. We explain which properties have made peat in substrates so successful and show good alternatives. Why is peat in the garden…

Winter Roses: Expert Tips For Wintering In Pots And Beds

Winter Roses: Expert Tips For Wintering In Pots And Beds

The fragile rose needs special protection during the cold season. Here you will learn how to successfully winter roses in bed and pot. Roses thrive best in areas with a warmer climate. In harsher areas, special winter protection measures may be necessary to ensure that your rose will survive the cold months. Especially the sensitive…

Care For Roses Bushes: Everything Important From Fertilizing To Pruning

Care For Roses Bushes: Everything Important From Fertilizing To Pruning

Only those who take optimum care of their roses will be rewarded with beautiful flowers. Here you will learn everything you need to know about caring for roses – from pruning to fertilizing. Roses should not be missing in any garden or on any balcony, because in summer the pretty flowers are a real eye-catcher….