Will Pothos Leaves Grow Back?
It wouldn’t be wrong to call Pothos plants the easiest houseplants to grow and maintain. Their high resilience and power have rightfully earned them the name Devil’s Ivy and Golden Pothos. Belonging to Solomon Island, these tropical understory plants can tolerate various conditions without giving up and can be the best houseplant for beginners.
Despite the sturdiness and resilience, a Pothos plant is not fully immune to problems. Various conditions like overwatering, nutrient deficiencies, too much direct sunlight, or not enough light can cause them to lose their leaves or become leggy or spindly. So does this mean that it is the end for your little potted fellow?
Can Pothos leaves grow back or is there something else you can do about it? This article provides everything you need to know to keep them in healthy, bushy, and green.
Why Your Pothos Plants Might be Dropping Leaves?
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Has your Pothos plant entered its growing season but continues to shed leaves instead of growing them? Here are a few things to look for to understand what might be causing leaf damage and drop.
Inadequate Watering
A lack of watering is the number one reason why a Pothos plant sheds leaves. The plant starts wilting or dropping first, followed by gradually losing the leaves even after you have tried to save it by watering it well.
The leaf loss does not begin until after a week or two of the initial wilting, which is why many people do not associate the two events. Use soil with better drainage and keep the soil moist to keep the plant in good shape with healthy leaves.
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Fertilizer Shock
Fertilizer is usually the go-to solution to get a fuller plant with more leaves; however, Pothos plants do not need a lot of it. Using a diluted dose once every two months is usually enough for fuller growth, and going beyond this amount causes leaf drop.
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Overwatering is the second most common cause of why a Pothos plant may lose leaves, secondary to root rot. The wild varieties of Pothos commonly grow up trees, attaching themselves to the aerial roots that help them receive plenty of air circulation and breezes.
The roots of such plants are not used to lying in damp soil, and when you expose them to too much water, the new roots rot and leaf drop begins.
Cold Temperatures
Pothos love warmer temperatures. While they do not die as the temperature falls below 50 degrees Fahrenheit like most houseplants, the plants start wilting and losing leaves the minute the temperature goes below 45 degrees Fahrenheit.
Overly Dry Air
Like most tropical climbing plants, Pothos vines love humid air. While they do not need a humidifier to grow and nurture, harsh winter air can make them prone to mild leaf drops. Misting it is the key to keeping it healthy, fuller, and fresh.
Lack of Sunlight
Pothos plants usually have low light needs, but this does not mean that you should start depriving them of sunlight. In fact, they need some artificial or natural indirect light to keep thriving.
Keeping it shaded most of the time can cause leaves to drop. So try brightening up the environment without giving too much direct sunlight to the plant to prevent it from losing leaves.
Pest Infestation or Disease Damage
A Pothos plant damaged by pest infestations or disease can automatically start shedding leaves. Keep checking all leaves regularly, particularly on the underside, to detect any early signs of damage before it’s too late.
Length of Vine
A long stem is good for a Pothos plant but when they get past a certain length, the stems start losing leaves. If you are a fan of long vines but do not like the normal leaf loss that follows, try adding cuttings to the pot and adjusting the vine length to cover the bare areas.
Too Much Sunlight
Too much direct light is detrimental for Pothos plants and can scald their leaves. With time, the plant dries out, and its leaves turn brown and eventually fall off. So. Make sure you only provide the plant with bright indirect light.
To keep your Pothos houseplants healthy, bushy, and full of leaves, focus on providing the right conditions to encourage constant growth. Make sure that there is enough new growth to replace the lost leaves, especially in the case of long vines that soon start losing leaves along their lengths.
Will Pothos Leaves Grow Back? Tips to Propagate Growth
Unfortunately, Pothos plants cannot grow new leaves once their existing leaves have fallen off. However, the leaf nodes, where a leaf meets the stem, eventually produce another vine that bears new leaves and makes your plant greener and bushier once again.
So if your Pothos plant has lost its leaves due to disease or heavy trimming, there are a few ways to propagate its growth. Consider beginning the propagation before your plant becomes completely leafless, as it will give it the best chance at surviving and regrowing.
Propagating Pothos With Leaves
If your Pathos vines have got leaves, there are two ways to propagate them. Both of these methods have the same initial steps, which involve snipping a 4-to-6-inch piece off a vine with at least one to four leaves. Detach the leaf closest to the cut end and focus on its node for propagation.
Plain Old Water:
This method involves placing the piece of step in a glass full of water and keeping it under check for the following 30 days. Make sure you change the water every fifth day to prevent bacterial growth. Once 30 days are over; you will see new root growth. Take out the stem and plant it in the soil as soon as the roots grow to about an inch in length.
Hormone Treatment:
Take a piece of vine and dip its cut end along with the leaf node in a rooting hormone. Next, plant it in a mixture of sand or perlite and peat moss. Keep the soil out of direct sunlight and maintain adequate moisture to help it produce roots within 30 days. You may consider planting it in solid soil after two months’ time.
Propagating Pothos Without Leaves
Just as mentioned above, cut a 4-to-6-inch piece off the Pothos vine and locate a node near its cut end. Prefer the node with bumps on the side of the vine and place the piece of the vine in a sandwich bag filled with perlite or wet sphagnum moss. Place the bag in a warm area where there is plenty of bright light.
Keep checking the cuttings once every few days to make sure that they get fresh air and that the moss stays moist and damp. The roots will form after 30 days, indicating that the leafless Pothos vines are ready to be potted as a new plant.
Will Pothos Leaves Grow Back with Pruning?
Pothos plants will keep growing new foliage as long as they are happy and healthy. However, keep in mind that these leaves will never appear in the same places or leaf nodes where the old foliage dropped off unless you start giving your houseplants regular prunes. Pruning leaves open patches on long vines and is best to prevent leaves from dropping off.
But how can you prune your precious Pothos plant? The process is straightforward and fairly simple. Look out for all old leaves and stems that have been damaged or got bent at any time. Consider trimming them at the base near the center system, and your plant will naturally replace them with fresher ones.
It is common for Pothos stems to secure accidental damage by being knocked or bent. Once the damage is done, the leaves start dying off slowly after the break. So the best way forward is to remove the damaged part of them at least one inch above the point of breakage so that the rest of the stem remains healthy and protected.
Keep in mind that Pothos plants typically grow new leaves from the very bottom of the stem. Alternatively, it may split and grow stems from the point where you just cut off the stem. So make sure you cut the stem below the last set of leaves using sharp secateurs and be as gentle as possible.
Conclusion: Growing Happy Pothos Plants
Do not feel alarmed or stressed if your Golden Pothos suddenly starts looking a bit leafless. While it is unlikely for the leaves to grow back after damage, the Pothos vines continue to expand and propagate entirely on their own and bear new leaves to make a fuller plant once again. R
emember to keep pruning your houseplant from time to time and follow the tips to propagate it easily.
How often do Pothos plants have new growth of leaves?
A healthy Pothos plant has a growth rate of 12 inches per month during its growing periods in summer and spring. Mature plants grow new leaves throughout the growing season, whereas stem cuttings start growing them as soon as their roots grow out.
My Pothos leaves are damaged. Should I cut them off?
Damaged Pothos leaves can recover or die, depending on how damaged they are. If the damage is small, trim them with plain scissors. However, if the extent of damage is more than 1/3 of the leaf, it is better to remove it completely so that the plant can exert its energy on other healthier leaves and concentrate on new growth.
What if my Pothos plant does not have any leaves left? Will Pothos leaves grow back?
You may be tempted to throw out a leafless plant, but don’t do it, especially if the Pathos vines are still green. This indicates that your plant is not dead and can grow new leaves with proper care, pruning, and trimming.
Can trimming help Pothos grow?
Trimming can help Pothos grow stems and makes them denser and bushier. Trimming the stems closer to the base is a good idea if you want to keep them small and leafy, but let them grow longer if you aim to wrap the Pothos vines around a pole or use them as a hanging display.
Trimming also reduces the risk of disease and keeps them neat. So the moment you notice any brown leaves or stems, take out your scissors and let the trimming begin.