Cutting Oleanders: Everything At The Right Time And Cut
Cutting oleanders also needs to be learned. We show when you should cut oleander and give helpful tips on how to proceed.
To keep the oleander ( Nerium oleander ) nice and compact and bloom profusely, it should be pruned regularly. Fortunately, the pretty ornamental shrubs can withstand good pruning and are not very sensitive. Nevertheless, you should not approach a pruning completely inexperienced.
The pruning of oleander is quite straightforward. However, keep in mind that the buds for the flowers will already be planted in the late summer of the previous year. So cut back the oleander strongly to prevent it from blooming profusely in the following year. Here you can find out what to watch out for when cutting the oleander and how you can protect the buds.
When to cut oleander
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Oleander can be cut at different times depending on the destination. Either late autumn or early spring is the right time, depending on whether you want to cut back or do a parenting cut.
Cut oleander in spring
Above all, regular thinning and any parenting cuts should be carried out in spring. Choose an early time to release the freshly coiffed oleander into the growing season. Cut back too long shoots to the next shoot instead of shortening the tips of all shoots. At the tips are the buds, which are supposed to develop into flowers after all.
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Individual unwanted shoots can also be cut out during the summer. With this measure, you promote the crown and prevent the plant from growing too big. Leave the fruits that emerge after flowering, because this is where the buds for the next year will already develop.
Pruning oleander in autumn
The time for more radical pruning is definitely the autumn before moving into winter quarters. Such strong pruning is necessary when older oleander plants in particular become bald over time. To do this, cut the trunks down to forty to fifty centimeters. This looks brutal, but you will see that your oleander will sprout all the more afterward.
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But the root should be healthy for such a brutal measure. In the event of weakness, repot the oleander in fresh substrate beforehand to strengthen the roots. Thin and weak branches can be cut down to the bottom to clear the base. It may also be necessary to cut back diseased plants. But only cut these plants back as far as the infestation extends.
Instructions for cutting oleander
Below are instructions for pruning oleander in spring and fall.
Regular pruning in early spring:
- Cut back too long or weak shoots to the next main shoot
- Do not shorten the tips or fruit clusters, otherwise, the buds will also be removed
- Use gloves to protect against skin-irritating sap
- Unwanted shoots can also be thinned out regularly during the summer
Radical pruning in autumn:
- Cut branches back to 40 – 50 cm; a saw may be necessary for older specimens
- Thinner branches can be cut back to the base
- Only oleander plants with healthy roots should be placed on a stick; If the roots are weak, you should repot the shrub in fresh soil before pruning
- Diseased oleander plants should only be cut back as far as the disease infestation extends
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