Fighting Thrips: Preventing Damage From Thrips

Fighting Thrips: Preventing Damage From Thrips

How do you recognize the damage caused by thrips? What options are there to combat? We reveal which remedies against thrips and how to get rid of them. In the USA there are innumerable names for the thrips ( Thysanoptera ), well-known names are fringed-winged, bladder-footed, or even thunderstorm animals. As a rule, these insects…

Oleander pests: identify and control infestation

Oleander pests: identify and control infestation

Unfortunately, some pests target the oleander. We show you how to recognize and combat the symptoms of a pest infestation. Weak oleander plants ( Nerium oleander ) easily prey to pests. Some louse species and spider mites, in particular, like to eat the oleander. However, since they significantly weaken the plants, they must be combated….

Oak Processionary Moth: Avoid Rashes In Humans And Animals

Oak Processionary Moth: Avoid Rashes In Humans And Animals

The caterpillar of the oak processionary moth can cause rash, breathing problems, and skin irritation. We explain how you can avoid this. The oak processionary moth (Thaumetopoea processionea L.) is not only a pest on oaks, it is also considered a hygiene pest. The reason for this is the strong allergic reaction that the hair…

Yellow Leaves In Geraniums: How To Remedy Geranium Chlorosis

Yellow Leaves In Geraniums: How To Remedy Geranium Chlorosis

Yellow leaves can indicate a nutritional deficiency in geraniums. We explain how to correctly identify and get rid of chlorosis in geraniums. Many decorate your window sills and gardens with geraniums, which are also known as geraniums (Pelargonium). They bloom in a wide variety of colors – from white to pink to various shades of…