Box Tree Moth: Everything You Need To Know About The Moth

Box Tree Moth: Everything You Need To Know About The Moth

To get rid of it, you have to understand the box tree moth. Here you will find everything you need to recognize and fight the voracious caterpillars. Have you observed discolored leaves, dead branches, white webs, and caterpillars on your box tree (Buxus ) – or have you noticed these symptoms in the neighborhood? It…

Home remedies for wood lice: what really helps?

Home remedies for wood lice: what really helps?

Woodlice are small beneficial insects. However, if you have them in your own home, you should take care of the infestation: their presence indicates moisture. Woodlice ( Porcellio scaber ) are nocturnal lobsters within the class of higher crustaceans (Malacostraca). As saprophages, they feed on dead organic matter (detritus) and are beneficial insects because they…

Oleander Diseases: Identifying And Treating Symptoms

Oleander Diseases: Identifying And Treating Symptoms

Unfortunately, the oleander is not completely disease resistant either. We show the most common diseases, their symptoms, and methods of control. Oleanders ( Nerium oleander ) are very strong and resistant bushes. In countries like the USA or South Africa, they even grow invasively and displace native species. However, in a tub or pot, in…