Tulips: Flowering Period And Care
Tulips are available as cut flowers most of the year. But when is the tulip’s bloom time in the garden? And how should the tulip be cared for during cultivation?
The tulip ( Tulipa ) is a very frugal ornamental plant. It gets by with little attention and also thrives on poorer soils. However, if you expect a long and lush bloom, you should invest a little more time in tulip care. We’ll tell you the most important tricks in a nutshell.
The flowering time of the tulip bulbs
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In spring, the tulip delights our hearts with its colorful flowers and heralds the beginning of spring. But when should you plant the tulip bulbs to lay the foundation for the colorful tulip spectacle?
Flowering time of tulips: Note the planting time
The onion is usually planted in autumn (September to November). It can overwinter in the ground without any problems. Moderate frost even helps keep the onions healthy as it kills soil pests and germs. Earlier onions can also be planted in spring. Depending on the planting time, the flowering can then vary between the end of March and the beginning of May.
Caring for tulips properly
The tulip is very frugal. It doesn’t take much to get a beautiful flower. However, if you want to live longer from a large and strong bloom, then a few points should be observed when caring for the tulip.
Properly care for tulips before they bloom
The tulip also thrives in poor locations. However, if you mix in some compost when planting the onions and regularly help with organic fertilizer before flowering, your tulips will show their appreciation for this. Primarily organic fertilizers are very suitable because they promote soil life, deliver nutrients over the long term, and are usually harmless in terms of their impact on the environment. You should also water regularly so that the nutrients can be used efficiently. Our Gardender organic flower fertilizer is such a fertilizer and contains all the nutrients for a rich tulip bloom.
You can find out how to properly fertilize your tulips in this article.
Properly care for tulips while they are in bloom
As soon as the tulip blooms, it has passed the most critical phase of growth. During flowering, you should make sure that there is always enough water available so that the stems, leaves, and flowers are adequately supplied and thus remain juicy. If the water supply ebbs, the thirsty tulip can quickly wilt. Warning: don’t mean it too well to your darlings! Waterlogging is at least as harmful as drought.
Tulips after flowering: cut or not?
You shouldn’t cap your tulips right after they bloom. If the petals have wilted, you can carefully remove them from the rest of the plant. It is best to leave the green parts of the plant such as leaves and stems for a few days to weeks. Through photosynthesis, the tulip can gain energy for the formation of daughter bulbs. The longer you give the tulip time, the more abundant the bulb yield and thus the bloom in the next year.
Tip: If the first signs of wilting can be seen on the green parts of the plant, then these should also be removed with a sharp knife.
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