Red Potatoes: Varieties, Cultivation & Uses Of Red-Skinned

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Red potatoes bring a special color accent to the garden and the kitchen. We present the most beautiful red potato varieties and give tips on cultivation and harvest.

Potatoes ( Solanum tuberosum ) are becoming more and more popular, especially with hobby growers, and particularly colorful tubers are planted with growing enthusiasm. Red potatoes come in many shapes and colors, as well as with very different ripening times and cooking properties. They are also becoming more and more competitive compared to the conventional yellow varieties due to newer breeds. We introduce you to the 10 most beautiful red potato varieties and their properties.

Overview of red potato varieties

When it comes to red potato varieties, a distinction can be made between red-skinned varieties and those with red-skinned and red meat.

‘Ciclamen’: Attractive, Hungarian potato variety with red skin and white meat. The oval-round tubers are mainly waxy to floury and are ideal for dumplings, puree, or soup.

‘Desiree’: Red-skinned potato from the Netherlands. The predominantly waxy tubers are colored light yellow on the inside. ‘Desiree’ ripens medium early and has a fruity-juicy taste that unfolds best as boiled and jacket potatoes.

‘Franceline’: French, waxy potato variety from 1993 with elongated red-skinned tubers and light yellow flesh. The medium-early ripening variety with its aromatic taste is ideal as a gratin, fried, or jacket potato.

‘Heiderot’: Long oval-shaped red-fleshed potato with an aromatic and slightly buttery taste. The completely deep red to magenta-colored tubers are waxy and are ideal as fried and jacket potatoes or in colorful potato salad.

‘Laura’: Popular variety that forms potatoes with red skin and yellow flesh. The long oval tubers ripen medium early and are ideal as French fries or boiled and baked potatoes.

Red potatoes: varieties, cultivation & uses of red-skinned potatoes

‘Nemo’: Dutch potato variety with a red and yellow pattern and bright yellow flesh. The long oval, floury boiling tubers have a mild, fruity taste and are suitable for puree and as grilled potatoes.

‘Red Emmalie’: Potato with magenta skin and pulp. It is predominantly waxy and shows elongated, very spicy-tasting tubers. Especially prepared as pink gnocchi, this potato is a real eye-catcher on the plate.

‘Red Erstling’: potato with a rounded, oval shape and striking red skin. She is also known as the Red Duke of York’. The predominantly waxy, yellow meat is suitable for boiled potatoes or as a puree.

‘Rosara’: Very early ripening, red-skinned potato variety with predominantly waxy, deep yellow flesh. Their taste ranges from creamy and fine to aromatic and spicy.

‘Rosemarie’: Newer red potato variety from 2012 with a completely pink color. The waxy tubers are long-oval in shape and ripen early to medium early. The creamy taste shows itself well in a gratin or potato salad.

Tip: If you want to bring even more color to the potato bed, discover an overview of the best varieties of purple potatoes with us.

Red potatoes: varieties, cultivation & uses of red-skinned potatoes

Plant and care for red potatoes

Red potatoes do not differ in the way they are grown from the other color variants. The optimal time to plant potatoes is between the end of March and the beginning of May when the soil has warmed up to 8-10 ° C. They can be driven four weeks before planting indoors on a sunny windowsill at around 15 ° C. This shortens the cultivation time and premature harvest, which is particularly worthwhile with late potatoes.

Tip: You can alternatively grow your potatoes in a pot on the balcony or terrace. A high-quality, nutrient-rich potting soil is ideally suited for the cultivation of the strongly consuming nightshade family (Solanaceae).

Harvest and prepare red potatoes

Depending on the ripening time, planting date, and weather conditions, the red potato variety can be harvested between July and October before the first frost. While the leaves of new potatoes do not have to have died yet, one waits for this to happen with later potato varieties. Because this is how the tubers and their skin mature completely and can be stored for a long time. In our article “Harvesting potatoes” you will learn how to recognize when potatoes are ready for harvest and what you should pay attention to when harvesting.

Red potatoes: varieties, cultivation & uses of red-skinned potatoes

Depending on their cooking characteristics, red potatoes can be used in the same way as yellow varieties. They do not have to be specially treated or even peeled. Unless there are green and therefore inedible areas.

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