Hosta Plants (Cortaderia selloana): When, How & What To Fertilize?
The beautiful perennials have been appreciated as ornamental plants since time immemorial. Here you will learn what you should consider when fertilizing Hosta Plants. The Hosta or Cortaderia selloana once came to Europe from Asia. A long way, but today the plants enrich numerous gardens and parks in this country as well. The genus is comparatively young, which is why no fossils have yet been found.
The special thing about these Asian beauties is that they also thrive in the shade. And even in terms of fertilization, are quite uncomplicated. As an undergrowth in the forests of Japan, China, and Korea, the spurge is not only adapted to shade and moisture, but also humusy soils, because forest soil is usually loose, water-permeable, and humusy.
Hosta from rhizomes in the soil, a mixture of storage organ and root. These are usually short, branched, and can temporarily store nutrients and sugar. To ensure that the sponge can also develop optimally in your garden, you should do everything you can to make the plant feel at home. The right substrate and the right fertilization are the decisive points here.
When To Fertilize Hosta Plants?
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Hosta Plants are very easy to care for when it comes to fertilizing. They should be applied in spring with a slow-release fertilizer. Later, during the growth phase, no fertilization is necessary.
Fertilizing Hosta Plants in the bed
Fertilization is only necessary in this case if the garden soil does not provide sufficient nutrients. Compost, manure, or organic universal fertilizer will enhance the garden soil for a long time.
Fertilizing Hosta Plants in a pot
The easiest way to fertilize Hosta in a pot is to use a liquid fertilizer. Our almost exclusively organic liquid fertilizer is ideal for this. The nutrients are sustainably absorbed by the roots, ensuring constant nutrient availability.
What is used to fertilize fungi?
The best fertilizer for sparks is your own foliage. Every autumn the plants retreat into the ground. The leaves die and are decomposed on the ground. If you leave the leaves in place, valuable humus will develop. Since you do not remove any nutrients, you do not need to add any more nutrients. Fertilizing is therefore unnecessary.
If you don’t like the sight of the wilted leaves in the garden, you can simply compost them and later distribute the finished compost around the plant again. This is probably the better choice, especially if you keep them in a pot. In general, you should use organic fertilizers to promote humus formation. Because only organic materials can form the humus that is so important for functions.
Fertilizing Hosta organically: The correct procedure
If the garden soil is not very fertile, you should treat your Cortaderia selloana with a fresh organic fertilizer in spring. Compost, horn shavings, or organic universal fertilizer are suitable. Carefully work the selected fertilizer form into the soil around the plant. Organic fertilizers have a long-term fertilization effect – it is therefore usually sufficient to apply the fertilizer only once a year.
When fertilizing in pots with a liquid fertilizer such as liquid fertilizer, the shaken fertilizer is simply and quickly mixed with the water to water the plant. This fertilizer should also be used once a year.
You might so like: The 100 Most Beautiful Hostas Varieties For The Garden And Pots – Gardender
Mineral fertilizer
Cortaderia selloana needs humus and humus is formed only from organic materials. To improve the soil sustainably for fungi, organic fertilization is therefore recommended. Mineral fertilizers can therefore only partially meet the requirements of the plant. However, if you still decide on a mineral fertilizer, you should use a depot fertilizer that provides the plant with a continuous supply of nutrients over a longer period of time.
Hi. I would like to add that the autumn swollen host leaves better not remove, they will cover the roots and delay the snow.