Cut Of Lavender Care: Tips For Cutting And Overwintering
If properly cared for, the topped lavender will delight you with its conspicuous inflorescences. We show how to properly cut and overwinter poppy lavender.
The lavender ( Lavandula stoechas ) belongs to the mint family (Lamiaceae ). It is related to the famous real lavender ( Lavandula angustifolia ) and the Speiklavender ( Lavandula latifolia ). Nevertheless, the crested lavender stands out thanks to its striking, large bracts at the tip of the inflorescence. Depending on the variety, these can appear in pure white, strong purple, or bright purple. They can also be differentiated in color from the actual flowers arranged in ears and, depending on the variety, let go of a real color spectacle during the flowering process. We will show you how, with the right care measures, you can benefit for a long time from the bloom of the clover lavender.
Caring for poppy lavender: This is how a lush bloom is created
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Normally, the potted lavender delights us into August or even into September with its blooming splendor. But sometimes it just doesn’t want to bloom and only a few, small or none of the ornamental inflorescences appear. This can have various reasons and can be avoided with the right care. Regular pruning, in particular, to prevent the shoots from becoming lignified, and a little fertilizer now and then is essential for abundant flowering. But the right location should also be given because the Schopflavender prefers lime-poor soils.
Cut the lavender
The topped lavender is a Mediterranean shrub. It tends to lignify in the lower part of the plant. If the lip flower plant is not kept in shape regularly by a cut, only old, woody and bare shoots remain. The shrub becomes shapeless over the years and loses the strength to bloom abundantly and beautifully. The best time to keep the potted lavender in shape is early spring. As soon as it sprouts, half to two-thirds of the shoot length should be cut off with sharp hand hedge trimmers. However, care must be taken not to cut back into the heavily lignified, bare part of the plant. Then it may be that the coppice lavender no longer sprouts.
In autumn you should definitely not cut – this only reduces the already rather low winter hardiness of the French lavender by creating simple entry points for the frost through the interfaces. If the topped lavender produces only a few flowers in summer, the flower formation can be stimulated for a short time by summer pruning. The following applies: Cut off a maximum of a third of the shoot length and young shoots will quickly sprout powerfully.
Water and fertilize the lavender
When growing in the bed, the potted lavender does not need to be watered or hardly needs to be watered, except during prolonged dry periods. If it is cultivated in a pot, it has to be watered noticeably more regularly. It is important to keep the substrate evenly moist, but not wet. In the spring, before budding, some organic slow-release fertilizer such as horn shavings, dung, or bone meal is worked into the soil in the bed. Malnutrition is mainly visible when there are fewer flowers. To prevent this from happening, our primarily organic universal fertilizer can be used at the beginning of budding, which provides the potted lavender with long-term nutrients.
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Hibernate potted lavender
The poppy lavender is less winter hardy compared to its relatives from the genus Lavandula. Only with luck will it survive temperatures below -5 ° C. That is why you should think early on about how you can bring your potted lavender over the winter so that it can also inspire you with its flowers in the next year. A cool, but as bright as possible, place in the house is best.
However, you shouldn’t spoil the frost-sensitive poppy lavender too much. As long as the roughest frost has survived and the sun’s rays have already regained their strength, nothing can happen to the potted lavender outdoors, at least during the day. Nevertheless, it should be protected with fleece or fir branches, especially at night – and in general when no suitable protected place is available for wintering. If you take the cold problem of the French lavender to heart, but at the same time do not spoil it too much, you create a robust plant that rewards the caring care after the cold season with a long and abundant bloom.