Clematis Wilt: Recognize Symptoms And Treat Successfully
The clematis wilt can quickly put an end to the flower tendril. We show how you can recognize and treat clematis wilt.
There are around 300 species of the plant genus Clematis, which, depending on the variety, can delight the owner in almost all colors in the garden from spring to autumn. Some varieties are accompanied by different tart or sweet scents. The winter picture is determined by cascades of silvery-silky tufts of hair and fruits. All of this sounds like a plant that is definitely worth keeping in the garden. Unfortunately, there is currently the Fusarium and Phoma clematis wilts, which threaten this idyll and therefore great caution is advised if there are noticeable changes to your own clematis.
Clematis wilt: recognizing and distinguishing symptoms
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In the case of clematis wilt, a distinction is made between two different diseases that affect particularly large-flowered clematis species. The mushrooms differ in various symptoms. In the following, we will show you how you can recognize this at an early stage.
Recognize Fusarium clematis wilt
The Fusarium clematis wilt erupts due to the fungus Coniothyrium clematidis-rectae . This penetrates the plant through injuries to leaves or shoots and clogs its water ducts. These unwanted entry gates can be caused by mechanical damage during garden maintenance or by stress cracks in the bark due to excessive solar radiation in colder months.
Because the fungus prevents the flow of water, the first symptoms appear in the form of suddenly hanging shoots and/or withering leaves. Without knowing about these symptoms, one would at first probably suspect that the plant is lacking water. If you should now water, this only favors the typically moist habitat in which mushrooms feel particularly comfortable.
The trick is to recognize that these symptoms are not normal water deficiency symptoms, but rather serious signs of clematis wilt. The Fusarium clematis wilt is also characterized by the fact that no spots appear on the leaves and the shoots begin to wither “for no reason”.
A point in time to keep an eye out for such impairments is from June, as high temperatures are possible there, and only then can the fungus multiply quickly.
Recognize Phoma clematis wilt
The other and more common form of the disease is called Phoma clematis wilt and is caused by the fungal pathogen Ascochyta clematidina. This form of clematis wilt is much easier to recognize because spots form on the leaves in the lower part of the plant. These are initially yellow to light brown, but over time they become darker and eventually take up the entire leaf.
This infestation begins on the underside of the leaves but increases rapidly so that after a few days other parts of the plant can be affected. After two weeks, the first shoots usually die off, unless the first symptoms have been correctly interpreted.
Large-flowered clematis hybrids are particularly at risk, as the above-ground parts of the plant can die off completely. In terms of time, you should be prepared for the Phoma clematis wilt from early summer (i.e. from May) and always keep an eye out for impairments to your own clematis plants.
Clematis wilt: treat successfully
Since the course of this wilt disease is very rapid, action should be taken when it is discovered. The methods also differ here, depending on whether it is the Phoma or the Fusarium variant.
Treat clematis wilt with fungicide
To begin with, it should be said that the use of pesticides must strictly follow the package insert and only if the diagnosis is positive. If used excessively, not only the surrounding plants can suffer, but also pollinating insects and soil organisms. Therefore, the same principle applies here as with fertilization: A lot does not help much. If you are unsure, you should always rely on the advice of a knowledgeable pesticide seller.
The clematis wilt cannot always be counteracted with a commercially available fungicide. If it is found that it is the Fusarium clematis wilt, you can save yourself the money, as fungicides do not affect this.
You might so like: Clematis Types: Hardy And Special Varieties (Overview)
In the case of Phoma wilt, the early use of a suitable fungicide can damage and destroy the fungal pathogen. If the infection has already reached deeper parts of the plant, it can lead to the disease persisting despite treatment. We recommend agents that are not dangerous for bees and that work systemically, which means that the agent is absorbed by the plant through the roots or leaves and is thus distributed throughout the entire organism. The advantage here is that such agents reach every part of the plant and also have a lasting long-term effect against clematis wilt.
Treat clematis wilt naturally
The natural treatment for this fungal disease is based on correct cutting into healthy wood. If you recognize the first symptoms of the clematis wilt, all infected parts of the plant must be cut off immediately and banished from the garden. In the worst case, the plant will fail for the next two years, but can then sprout again. You should dispose of infected parts of plants in household waste because the fungal spores can continue to live on fallen leaves and clippings and can quickly infect other plants.
Clematis wilt: Prevent and prevent infestation
As the vernacular knows, a fungus is a sign of moisture and wetness. It is similar to a fungal disease. If the plant is constantly moist, fungi can form on both above-ground and underground parts of the plant.
To counteract this, your clematis species should be given a location that is similar to that of the roses. They prefer a sunny location that is well ventilated so that the moisture from the precipitation quickly disappears from the leaves. This also prevents potential habitats for fungi. A little tip: That is the reason why the leaves of a plant should not be watered from above, but rather directly at the roots or the soil. In addition to moisture, injuries are also excellent entrance doors for diseases of all kinds.
Such mechanical injuries can occur through blunt cutting tools or through caring for the environment. For example, one should refrain from constantly loosening or digging up the root area. Soil loosening would only make sense if the clematis was planted in heavy, dense soil and there is a risk of waterlogging. If there is humus-sandy soil, repeated digging should not be carried out, otherwise, parts of the roots will be damaged, which at this point are weakened and are particularly susceptible to pathogens soon.
Maintenance measures can be limited to the superficial gathering of weeds and the piling of bark mulch. Bark mulch suppresses the weeds and stores the moisture. A tried and tested method is also to shade the roots so that there are no stress cracks. You can do this with a shading net, for example. Tip: If too many empty pots have accumulated over time, these can also be divided and used to shade the roots.
The most important and at the same time easiest point to avoid clematis wilt is to disinfect cutting tools that have come into contact with already diseased plants immediately with alcohol. Otherwise, the pathogen will be spread effectively and quickly in all ways nearby.
Clematis wilt: Resistant varieties
Plant protection begins with the selection of the plant, which is why we have put together an overview of suitable species and varieties within the clematis plant genus below. The recommendation of this list is based on the resistance to both the Phoma wilt and the Fusarium wilt. Unfortunately, a disease cannot be completely ruled out within the hybrid varieties.
Tip: To strengthen your clematis and make them more resistant, we recommend our Plantura organic flower fertilizer. This is perfectly adapted to the needs of the clematis and offers a high proportion of potassium and phosphate, which is important for the flowering phase. The organic fertilizer consists primarily of organic components. Learn more about Clematis Fertilizer.
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