Making Lawns Winterproof And Overwintering: Tips From The Experts

Making Lawns Winterproof And Overwintering: Tips From The Experts

How can you best prepare lawns for a possibly harsh winter? We have helpful expert tips for wintering your lawn. Over a third of all Americans have a garden – and therefore usually a lawn as well. While the potted plants are mothballed and the roses are lovingly covered with winter protection, the lawn often…

Preserving Tomatoes: Drying, Pickling And Canning

Preserving Tomatoes: Drying, Pickling And Canning

Surplus tomatoes can be preserved well. Here you will find all information about drying, pickling, preserving, and freezing tomatoes.  Who does not know it: In the spring the eyes were bigger than the actual “hunger for tomatoes”. And suddenly you have countless tomato plants in your own garden, the harvest of which quickly exceeds…

Tomatoes In The Raised Bed: Procedure And Suitable Varieties

Tomatoes In The Raised Bed: Procedure And Suitable Varieties

In addition to various types of vegetables, tomatoes can also be successfully grown in raised beds. Here you can find out what you should consider when choosing the variety and growing tomatoes on the raised bed. A raised bed not only makes gardening easier and protects your back, but can also be implemented in problematic…

10 Beautiful Hardy Perennials And Robust Species

10 Beautiful Hardy Perennials And Robust Species

Perennials are inherently perennial plants that outlast the winter. However, they tolerate cold and frost differently. Everyone who works in the garden knows the term “perennial”. But what distinguishes them from bushes or trees and why is there nothing left of the plant in winter? The perennials are herbaceous, perennial plants whose aboveground parts of…

Fertilizing Hydrangeas: Tips On Timing And Procedure

Fertilizing Hydrangeas: Tips On Timing And Procedure

To develop their full bloom, hydrangeas need to be properly fertilized. When, how, and with which fertilizer you should fertilize your hydrangeas, you can find out here. Hydrangea includes in our gardens of the absolute classics and has thereby lost none of its charms. To benefit from your flowering dream, it is important to regularly…

Red Star Renette: Taste, Cultivation & Harvest

Red Star Renette: Taste, Cultivation & Harvest

The ‘Rote Sternrenette’ used to be the classic Christmas apple because of its almost perfectly star-shaped peel points. The old variety is still very popular today because of its good taste and robustness. The red star reed forms conspicuous lenticels on its shell [Photo: IZO /] The ‘Red Star Renette’ used to be widespread…